fencing problems

fencing problems

Fencing Problems: Coordinating a Step and a Cut

a badly chipped illumination of a chaotic battle between knights on horseback
Detail from Universität Kassel, UBK 2° Ms. theol. 4 Weltchronik (painted circa 1385) fol. 46r https://manuscriptminiatures.com/5711/20896#image

These posts are an experiment: can I have fun talking about martial arts problems as problems to a general audience? Talking with other fencers about fencing theory tends to frustrate everyone unless they already agree. If you like this post or have trouble following, please let me know!

One of the fundamental problems in fencing goes like this. You and your partner are both standing in guard, Because the hand is quicker than the eye, and because in armed combat one strike or thrust can kill, you are far enough away that neither can strike the other without stepping. That extra distance (measure) gives you time (tempo) in which to notice their attack and defend yourself. You want to attack first with a cut. How do you do so without walking on to their point?

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