Grooming and Sanitation
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Grooming and Sanitation

Even in the squalor of an army camp, people try to keep clean.

… combs (not just for Spartans!) Ur Project category 33,
… earspoons/earscoops (2 bronze from Kalapodi (pp. 208, 357, Taf. 8), 2 silver from Golyamata Mogila, 1 silver from Chehrābād Saltman 1) … kohl sticks … tweezers (1 bronze from Nineveh, 17 bronze or iron from Kalapodi p. 206, 1 iron from Karaburun IV (Mellink 1972)) … toothpicks? razors? brushes? shears?

Ur Project Category 36 Toiletry Kits “This category includes objects used in personal hygiene, with a case surrounding the instruments. The instruments include a pointed rod, possibly a khol stick, a lancet, or stiletto, a flattened spatual object, and a pair of tweezers. These are encased in a metal cone known as a reticule.” Mccowen, Nippur I, p. 108 calls them “toiletry kits.”

Mirrors (of bronze): Curtis, Late Assyrian Metalwork, pp. 123; U-15449; Moorey, Deve-Hüyük
Washbasins and Ewers: not just for Pontius Pilate, in Neo-Assyrian letters silver washbasins were common diplomatic gifts!

Mirrors in the long sixth century were usually discs of polished bronze with a tang and a handle. The back often had decoration, ranging from concentric circles to elaborate engravings. They seem to have been very common, and they were important to women in many cultures. “Most [Etruscan bronze mirrors] were slightly concave, so that held at arm’s length much of the upper body would be in view” (Judith Swadding, Corpus of Etruscan Mirrors): medieval glass mirrors also bulge outwards for the same reason.

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