Greek Swords and Akhenaten’s Family Tree, Some Recent Publications
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Categories: Ancient

Greek Swords and Akhenaten’s Family Tree, Some Recent Publications

While many aspects of my life hobble along, some of my print publications have been coming out like arrows in a Scythian battle over the past few months! I wrote about the family of Akhenaten, swords in archaic Greece, reviewed Matthew Waters’ book on Cyrus the Great, and turned my first book into an article which is more concise and focused on giving my best guesses at answers rather than on why its really hard to know about the armies of the Teispids and Achaemenids.

“The Legacy of Akhenaten: Destruction and Rediscovery.” Ancient History 41 (Karwansaray)

“The development of Greek swords in the Archaic Age – The cutting edge,” Ancient Warfare XVI.2 (Karwansaray)

“Review: King of the World (Matthew Waters, 2022)” Argo: A Hellenic Review, Issue 17 (Spring/Summer 2023) pp. 47-48 (Hellenic Society UK)

“The Armies of the Teispids and Achaemenids: The Armies of an Ancient World Empire,” Journal of Ancient Civilizations Vol. 27 Nr. 2 (2022) pp. 147-192 (PDF copy available to anyone who asks, I also have some paper copies if someone prefers to read long articles in that format)

(scheduled 7 May 2023)

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2 thoughts on “Greek Swords and Akhenaten’s Family Tree, Some Recent Publications

  1. Sedo says:

    I’d be interested in a PDF copy of the Achaemenid article. The Akhenaten one as well if there is a PDF version available.

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