Cross-Post: Oxbow Books Sale
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Categories: Ancient, Medieval, Modern

Cross-Post: Oxbow Books Sale

Oxbow Books, purveyors of choice tomes on archaeology, history, and ethnology, is having a spring and summer sale. If your purse is deeper and your dwelling is wider than mine, check it out! I have picked out some titles which my gentle readers might be interested in.

  • Rose Mary Sheldon, Ambush! Surprise Attack in Ancient Greek Warfare (Frontline Books, 2012) {Sheldon, John Lynn, and Myke Cole- soldiers or the teachers of soldiers- are doing the work of rebutting some false and bigoted ideas about the ancients in a form that ordinary people actually read}
  • Neil Price, The Viking Way: Magic and Mind in Late Iron Age Scandinavia Second Edition (Oxbow Books, 2019) GBP 30 {big ideas book on ritual magic in the Norse world which combines the sagas, archaeology, and modern ethnography/comparative religion}
  • Alireza Askari Chaverdi & Pierfrancesco Callieri, Tang-E Bolaghi (Fars) Sites TB76 and TB77: Rural Settlements of the Achaemenid and Post-Achaemenid Periods (Archaeopress, 2016) GBP 43 {the first published excavation of a rural site from Achaemenid Fars!}
  • B. V. Andrianov and Simone Mantellini, Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area. American School of Prehistoric Research Monographs (Oxbow, 2016) GBP 13 {apparently a translation of a work from the 1970s, but data does not go out of date like interpretations do and Rudenko published when Stalin was still alive}
  • Daniel T. Potts, Nomadism in Iran (Oxford University Press, 2014) {argues that until the Turkish migrations of the 11th century CE, most herders in Iran lived in villages and sent only a few people to watch the flocks when they migrated to distant pastures. A similar book by Silvia Balatti is on my to-read list}
  • Melanie Schuessler Bond, Dressing the Scottish Court 1543-1553: Clothing in the Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. Medieval and Renaissance Clothing and Textiles volume 3 (Boydell & Brewer, 2019)
  • Cecilie Brøns, Gods and Garments: Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries (Oxbow Books, 2016) GPB 15 {heavily discounted! books like this are best purchased when they are published, because rare copies become very expensive}

And here are some others below the fold:

  • Rigo Mignani, Mario A. Di Cesare (trans.) Juan Ruiz: The Book of Good Love (State University of New York, 1970) {bawdy tales from fourteenth-century Iberia}
  • Michel Membre, A.H. Morton, Mission to the Lord Sophy of Persia (1539-1542) (Gibb Memorial trust, 1993) GPB 7 {translated memoirs of a Venetian embassy to Persia}
  • M.S. Tite and Andrew J. Shortland, Production Technology of Faience and Related Vitreous Materials {if imitation lais-lazuli is good enough for the King at Persepolis, shouldn’t imitation lapis lazuli be good enough for you? Covers from the Copper Age to the Roman period}
  • Catherine Hess, The Arts of Fire: Islamic Influences on Glass and Ceramics of the Italian Renaissance (Getty Trust Publishing, 2006) GBP 13
  • Thomas F. Madden, Venice: A New History (Viking, 2013) GBP 10
  • Mark Clarke, Medieval Painters’ Materials and Techniques: The Montpellier Liber Diversarum Arcium (Archetype, 2011) GBP 20
  • Arthur Cotterell, Chariot GPB 10
  • Tom Holland, Persian Fire (Abacus, 2011) GBP 5
  • Kathrine Vestergard Pedersen and Marie-Louise Nosch (eds.), The Medieval Broadcloth: Changing Trends in Fashion, Manufacturing and Consumption (Oxbow Books, 2009)
  • Mikc McCarthy, The Romano-British Peasant (Windgather Press, 2013) GBP 30 {ordinary rural people in Roman Britain, one of the richest societies anywhere before the 20th century, are almost invisible to archaeologists … think about that the next time someone tells you what the world population was in year 1}
  • Robert van de Noort, Henry P. Chapman, and John Collis, Sutton Common: The Excavation of an Iron Age ‘Marsh Fort’ (Council for British Archaeology, 2007) GBP 25 {4th century BCE, lots of earthworks and four-post buildings}
  • Geoffrey Hindley, Medieval Siege and Siegecraft

Many of the books from last year’s sale are still available. If you think you can get an order together and amortize the mailing costs across it, check out the Oxbow Books website.

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