Cross-Post: Sword and Shield Workshops 2018
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Categories: Medieval

Cross-Post: Sword and Shield Workshops 2018

A living history village with fields and a lake from the air
The Geschichtspark Bärnau-Tachov from the air, courtesy of

Roland Warzecha will be teaching workshops on the Viking shield, high medieval shields, and the buckler at the Geschichtspark Bärnau-Tachow on the Czech border. The Geschichtspark is a unique location, with replicas of an 8th century Slavic settlement, a 10th century motte and church, and a 13th century village embedded in farmland on the edge of a small Bavarian town.

These are the dates for 2018:

June 9/10: Viking shield

September 1/2: Kite & large heater shields

September 8/9: Buckler and smaller late medieval shields. Watch a video of fights with triangular shields here.

For more information, check out his Patreon.

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2 thoughts on “Cross-Post: Sword and Shield Workshops 2018

  1. Pen Name says:

    The Motte is clearly visible. The green circle around it resembles a Bailey. Does water accumulate in the ditch outside a historic Bailey and encourage trees. Or do trees grow there because it a ditch makes it hard to cultivate?

    1. Sean Manning says:

      I remember there being a stream along the parking lot and the line of trees to the pond, and a swampy area from the pig pens towards the palisade where bushes are visible in the aerial photograph.

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