The Sandby Borg Massacre
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The Sandby Borg Massacre

Sword pendant in gilded silver, found in House 40 at Sandby borg. Photo courtesy of Daniel Lindskog.
Sword pendant in gilded silver, found in House 40 at Sandby borg. Photo courtesy of Daniel Lindskog.

Off the eastern shore of Sweden lies the island of Öland, and on that island fifteen hundred years ago the Ölanders built a ring fort and filled it with halls and silver and sparkling glass. To that fort came death, but rather than loot and burn, the attackers rowed away and left their victims weltering in their gore. Nobody returned to the site to bury the dead or recover the treasures, and over time the ring fort collapsed to the earth and was quarried for building material.

The local archaeologists would very much like to know more about the Ölanders and their attackers, but they lack the resources to do more than survey the site and dig a few test pits. They have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to fully excavate one of the houses, properly examine all of their finds, and publish them in English and Swedish. I have contributed; Martin Rundkvist, an archaeologist whom I respect, vouches that the local archaeologists can do what they say they will do. But there are only two weeks left in the campaign, and they still need 30,000 Euros. So if you enjoy solving archaeological mysteries, documenting horrible massacres, or looking at beautiful silverwork, why not donate?

Kickstarter: Unveiling the Sandby Borg Massacre

(Minor proskynesis to Martin Rundkvist)

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